B.H.S.G. Minutes
26th AGM 17th January 2017 Held at Manor Barn Old Town, Bexhill-on-Sea.
- Present. Dr. Peter Boyden(President), Stella Child & Peter Cole( Vice Presidents),Malcolm Parker (Treasurer & Mem.&Sec.) Judy Beale & Maureen Pullen ( Database Managers) and ten members. Apologies for absence were received from Jean Malkin.
- The minutes of the 25th AGM on 19th January 2016 were read by the President and approved by the meeting.There were no matters arising.
- Peter Cole reported on the need to fill Committee vacancies, particularly those of chairman and publicity officer. The group has 79 members many of whom are not local to Bexhill. The programme of monthly meetings at the Manor Barn was being maintained, with a flight over Romney Marsh, a visit to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, and a seminar by Paul Chamberlain also planned for 2017.
- The Treasurer reported that there was £1,200 in hand. Consideration was being given to the best ways of communicating with and collecting subscriptions from our worldwide membership. He reiterated the need for more people to help in running the Group. In addition to the events mentioned by Peter Cole he discussed a possible KGL celebration in Hanover during the summer, and a Sussex Day (16th June) event at Bexhill. he mentioned contacts with the Old Town Preservation Society, and Mrs. Dorothy Smith reported that the Society was circulating details of the Groups’ activities to it’s members. She also suggested local websites for possible online publicity by the group.
- In his address the President was pleased to record that the Group had a further another successful year , which ended with a tasty Christmas Luncheon at the Northern Hotel. In addition to maintaining the regular monthly meetings Adams Computer Services has been engaged to update the Group’s website operating system so that the Database Managers will be able to quickly add details of meetings, outings and other events to keep it up to date. While the Group’s paper files were now accessible to all at The Keep, access to the database of information on KGL personnel was only available to paid-up members and he stressed the importance of this valuable source. In conclusion he thanked the Officers for their work during the year and echoed earlier appeals for volunteers to fill the gaps in their numbers.
- After it had been explained that Mrs. Child was standing for re-election as a vice president but not as a committee member the existing officers, as listed in paragraph 1 above, were re-elected nem.con. Miss Christine Madeley was also elected a member of the committee.
- The meeting closed at 7.50pm. After refreshments the President spoke on ‘ The Militia and the defence of the Bexhill area,1793-1815.