B.H.S.G. archives and files information
The B.H.S.G. archives, files, books and correspondence are now kept at the East Sussex Records Office. The Keep,
Brighton. (www.thekeep.info)
To access the collection go to the above home page, and in the search box type in Bexhill Hanoverian Study Group.
This brings up books from the groups library and files that have BHSG in the title or description. To see a complete list of all the files, click on the title of one of those listed e.g. ‘Other files of the Bexhill Hanoverian Study Group’ this will open a new screen with various tabs, and by clicking the ‘ Browse by Hierarchy’, one will see the complete hierarchical catalogue of all the files.
If you require an in-house Research Service ( £35 per hr.), their order form can be found on their website.
The address of the East Sussex Record Office is:
The Keep, Woollards Way, Brighton, BN1 9BP.
Telephone – 01273 482349